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Once Upon a Devilishly Enchanting Kiss: #1 The Whickertons in Love Page 7

  In the end, Louisa had been proved right; unfortunately, that also meant…

  “Will you forfeit?” Anne dared her with a wicked twinkle in her eye.

  Louisa’s jaw tensed as the moment Phineas Hawke had deposited her on her bed unbidden crowded her thoughts. She could almost feel his breath upon her lips, his hand upon her shoulder and remembered the shiver that had gone through her as his dark eyes had looked down into hers. Why was it that despite her aversion to the man there were moments when…when…?

  “Never.” The word left her lips without thought, and yet, Louisa knew she would never run from a challenge. She was not one to give up, to cower in fear, to turn her back and run. No, she had always stood tall and proud…except when it came to her flaw.

  Again, she heard the miscreant’s words echo in her ear as they did so often. She is a pretty head with nothing inside. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t know how to read.

  Anger burnt in her heart, alive and strong, as it had that first day upon hearing his opinion of her. No, she would not give him or anyone else reason to think less of her. She had given her word, and she would see it through.

  Louisa met her cousin’s gaze head-on when she suddenly heard approaching footsteps. A moment later, the door flew open and none other than Phineas Hawke marched inside. “What are you all doing in here?”

  Gritting her teeth, Louisa glared at Anne. “You did this on purpose!” As determined as she was not to back down as terrifying was the thought that the moment to prove herself had come so quickly.

  So unexpectedly.

  Still, there was nothing to be done about it. And so, Louisa huffed out a deep breath, gathered her courage and spun to face her greatest challenge.

  As Fate would have it, the man looked devilishly handsome in his formal attire with his dark, unruly hair and his almost black eyes sparking with mischief. The teasing smile upon his lips was directed at her alone as he watched her approach with open fascination as well as a hint of confusion. Louisa could all but see a teasing remark form upon his lips; however, he never had the chance to speak it.

  “Don’t read anything into this,” she told him with a meaningful look before her hands seized his face and she pulled him down into a kiss.

  It was not Louisa’s first kiss, and yet…somehow it was.

  A shock wave went through her the second their lips touched, almost knocking her off her feet. Sensations, unfamiliar and intoxicating, pulsed under her skin, and she struggled to remind herself that this kiss meant nothing.

  That it held no meaning.

  That it was merely a way to uphold her word.


  And then she felt his hands seize her waist, urging her closer into his embrace as his lips moved against hers, deepening her kiss.

  A kiss that meant nothing.

  A kiss that was to mean nothing.

  A kiss she ought to break before—

  Shoving him away, Louisa freed herself from his embrace, her pulse thudding wildly in her veins as she all but stumbled backward. “I told you not to read anything into this,” she snapped at him, ignoring the dark, possessive look in his eyes. She spun to face her cousin, willing her features back under control, relieved that this matter had finally been resolved. “There,” she said to a wide-eyed Anne. “Satisfied?”

  Anne was about to respond when Louisa felt a hand grasp her arm from behind, spinning her back around with a swiftness that stole her breath. And then she was in Phineas’ arms again, his hands on her waist, locking her in his embrace. His eyes were dark and insistent as he looked down at her, urgency in his gaze. “Far from it,” he answered the question she had directed at Anne, a sinfully tempting smile curling up the corners of his mouth.

  Then he dipped his head and his lips claimed hers once more.

  And she let him.

  She did not stop him. She did not struggle or protest in any other way. She completely and utterly failed in making it unmistakably clear that she despised kissing him of all people.

  She should have.

  But she did not.

  For it would have been a lie.

  The truth was that his touch made her feel utterly alive. He was the wrong man, but his response to her was right in every way. The deep longing in his eyes, eyes that seemed to see only her, eyes that held hers as though no force on this earth could persuade them to look away. The insistence in his embrace, the determination to keep her close, to not let her slip away. The passion in the way he kissed her, all-consuming and overwhelming, whispering of a need that echoed within herself. Something she had wished for, hoped for…

  …but never thought to feel in the arms of her greatest enemy. That was what he was to her, was he not? The man who thought her inferior to others, to everyone.

  To him.

  Resistance built within her, and Louisa lifted her hands in a feeble attempt to break away, to protect herself, to replace vulnerability with strength. Still, her attempt was half-hearted at best for the magic of the moment still held her in its grasp.

  Indeed, this was not her first kiss; unfortunately, none of her previous kisses could compare to this one.

  Right here.

  Right now.

  With the wrong man.

  The world fell away, and Louisa belatedly realized that this was no longer his kiss, but theirs, for she was kissing him back with equal enthusiasm, her fingers curling into his lapels, pulling him closer.

  His left hand moved to grasp her chin, angling it upward so he could deepen their kiss. She felt his fingers trail over her skin, along her jaw and down her neck, before his hand slipped to the back of her head, preventing her from pulling away.

  Never had she felt such sensations, such an overwhelming need for another…and it terrified her.

  Dimly, Louisa heard a door close. It was no more than a soft click. To Louisa, however, it felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped upon her head.

  She froze, suddenly remembering where she was, what had just happened, that they were not alone…

  …that she was still in Phineas Hawke’s embrace.

  Something inside her snapped in that moment and sudden strength gathered in her arms. Her hands moved back to his chest, her palms flat, and then she shoved against him with all her might, finally breaking his hold on her. “Stop!”

  Chapter Eight

  A Loathsome Creature

  Phineas had felt her tense. He had sensed the shift in her mood and was not surprised—although reluctant—when she demanded, he release her.

  His arms fell away, and he took a step back, his breathing as fast as her own as he stared at her.

  Her eyes were wide, the darkest shade of green he had ever seen. They held shock and remnants of passion, but also no small measure of regret.

  Phineas’ jaw tightened. “Are you all right?” he asked gently, still confused about what had just happened here. Never in a thousand years would he have expected her to kiss him like this.

  Or at all.

  A quiver trailed up her jaw before Louisa clamped her lips shut, her eyes narrowing accusingly. “You had no right,” she all but stuttered, and he could see how frayed her nerves were. She was shaken. Their kiss had upended her world as much as it had upended his.

  At a loss, Phineas did what he always did. He grinned at her. “I had no right?” he demanded, a playful note in his voice. “You kissed me, or have you forgotten?”

  She all but flinched as though he had struck her. “I told you not to read anything into it.”

  Phineas laughed, “How could I not? Out of nowhere you walk up to me and—”

  “It was a wager!” she exclaimed, her body tense as she spun away from him and headed toward the door. “Nothing more.”

  Unwilling to let her get away this easily, Phineas followed in her wake, his hand once more reaching out to stop her, to bring her back to him. “What are you talking about?” he demanded as he spun her back around, his hands settling upon her upper arms
, holding her tightly despite her attempts to break free. “Stop squirming and answer my question!”

  Gritting her teeth, Louisa stilled, then looked up to meet his gaze, something deeply vulnerable in hers. “In order to gain Anne’s cooperation,” she forced out, alarm in the way she tried to angle herself away from him, “I promised her that if she and your brother were ever to wed, I would…” She paused, her eyes falling from his for a moment. “I would kiss you.” Her jaw moved. “I had to offer something outrageous to—”

  Phineas felt his hands tighten on her. “Outrageous?” He leaned closer, holding her gaze, noting the way her eyes widened ever so slightly. “So, kissing me is outrageous?” Slowly, his hands slid to her back, urging her closer as she drew in a shuddering breath. “And here I thought your kiss was fueled by passion. It felt as though it was.” He leaned down to her, aware of the pulse in her neck quickening. “You cannot deny that you felt something.”

  Why he asked her that, Phineas did not know. He could see clear as day that she regretted what had happened. That she had not wanted to feel something.

  The truth, though, was that she had, and he wanted her to admit it.

  Her shoulders tensed, and her hands once more lifted to press against his chest. “Let go of me,” she ordered in a hard tone; still, that slight quiver remained.

  “Answer my question,” Phineas countered, holding her gaze to better gauge her reaction. “Why would you offer to kiss me? Why is kissing me so outrageous?”

  Louisa stilled, regarding him carefully. “Those are two questions.”

  Phineas grinned at her. He had always enjoyed the twisted pathways of her mind. “If you prefer to stay here with me all day, then…” His voice trailed off as he let his gaze drop to her lips, still so temptingly close.

  Clearly annoyed, she huffed out a breath. “If you must know, I find you a loathsome creature and, therefore, you were the perfect way to prove to Anne how serious I was about her and your brother.” As she spoke, her nerves seemed to steady, and her gaze became harder, daring, challenging. “There,” she finished, her green gaze locked on his as though she too was gauging his reaction. “Satisfied?”

  Phineas laughed, surprised that she would repeat the question that had all but made him jerk her back into his arms. “Are you daring me to kiss you again?” he asked, smirking at her.

  A shuddering breath left her lips, and for a short moment, she seemed truly tempted. Then, unfortunately, her gaze darkened, and he felt her body tense, once more leaning away from him. “Release me,” she ordered in a tone that told him she meant it.

  Sighing, Phineas complied, his hands dropping from her arms. “No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that our kiss didn’t touch you, I’ll never believe it.”

  Her jaw hardened as she glared at him. “It was a wager. Nothing more.” She took a step back. “Stay away from me.” For a moment, her gaze held his. Then she spun around and rushed from the room. Phineas could not shake the feeling that she was fleeing…perhaps afraid of what would happen if she stayed.

  Sighing, he rubbed his hands over his face, still rattled by their kiss. A part of him could not help but doubt that it had happened; however, Louisa’s scent still lingered in the air, honeysuckle and sunshine. She was like a force of nature, strong and unyielding, and Phineas had always liked that about her.

  Unable not to, Phineas returned to the terrace, wondering if Louisa would be there. His gaze swept the guests as they laughed and chatted, enjoying the happy occasion. Even his brother and Anne had returned, standing in a small circle of family and friends, the joy upon both their faces palpable.

  A twinge of envy seized Phineas’ heart, and he frowned. Never had he thought of himself as a family man, one longing for marriage and children. Still, seeing Tobias and Anne together—lending a hand even in uniting them—had changed something for Phineas.

  Oddly enough, whenever the notion of marriage crossed his mind these days, an image of Louisa drifted before his eyes. Admittedly, he hardly knew her, and yet, there was something about her that felt familiar…

  …as though he did know her.

  …as though he had known her long ago.

  It was an odd notion, and yet, he could not seem to shake it.

  The problem was that Louisa had come to loathe him according to her own words. You’re a loathsome creature, had she not precisely said that? The question that remained, the same as before, was why?

  Glimpsing her across the terrace where she stood off by herself, her gaze directed out into the gardens of his ancestral home, Phineas wondered if there was any way he could ask her for the reason to which she would actually provide an answer.

  A part of him doubted it very much. Why, then, was she so tight-lipped? It was quite unlike her; after all, she did not hide her dislike of him, merely its reason.

  “It is a beautiful day, is it not?”

  Turning at the soft voice speaking out from behind him, Phineas found himself looking at the young woman who had swayed in his arms at the Archibald house party last Christmas. Fortunately, today, she seemed to have eaten for she was much steadier on her feet. “It is indeed.”

  Moving to stand beside him, she cast him a warm smile before her gaze traveled over the awakening garden stretching out toward the horizon. “This place, too, is beautiful. Perfect for a wedding.”

  Phineas nodded, wondering why she had sought him out. “You do not feel light-headed?” he asked with a smirk.

  A tinge of red came to her cheeks, but she laughed quickly. “No, not at all.” She straightened as though to prove her words. “My feet are firmly planted upon the ground.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Phineas told her. “Miss…?”

  “Mortensen,” the young woman supplied helpfully. “Miss Mortensen.” She glanced away before once more meeting his gaze, a hint of shyness in the way she looked at him. “I’m glad to see Anne so happily settled.”

  Phineas barely heard what she was saying for he had caught sight of Lord Hastings moving closer to Louisa out of the corner of his eye. “You are acquainted?” he asked absentmindedly.

  “We are,” Miss Mortensen replied. “We’ve known each other since childhood, and both had our coming out the year before last.”

  “I see,” Phineas mumbled, his body tensing as he watched Louisa smile at Lord Hastings who had sidled up beside her, a wide grin upon his face. “If you’ll excuse me…” He muttered in the direction of Miss Mortensen and then stepped away without another look. He knew he was being rude; however, something inside him objected to the sight before his eyes.

  Indeed, over the course of the past year, he had seen Louisa dance and chat with many a gentleman. He had not been particularly fond of the sight, but never had it made his stomach churn as it did now. Something had changed.


  A few moments ago.

  “Hastings,” he exclaimed as he stepped up to them. Instantly, Louisa’s eyes narrowed, snapping to glare at him as though he were the devil incarnate. “Your mother appears unwell. Perhaps you should see to her.”

  The man’s smile slid off his face, alarm marking his features. “Thank you, Barrington,” he said, then bowed to his companion. “Lady Louisa.”

  Anger still marked her features, but she managed to grant the man a kind smile before he walked off in search of his mother. The moment he had left, Louisa rounded upon Phineas. “How dare you?”

  He chuckled, “Why so angry?”

  Her lips thinned, and he could sense more unflattering words upon her tongue. Still, she held herself back, her gaze briefly glancing around the terrace, taking in the many people in attendance.

  The many people within earshot.

  Phineas inhaled a calming breath, then moved closer as much as he dared without inciting her anger yet again. “What did I do to make you hate me, Lulu?” He cursed himself for uttering that nickname for he knew she despised it. He himself had become utterly fond of it, though, for it seemed i
ntimate in a way nothing else ever had. It was his name for her, one that only he used.

  No one else.

  “Do not call me that!” she hissed under her breath, her face tense before she cast a feigned smile at an acquaintance walking past.

  “Then answer my question,” Phineas replied in the same hushed tone. He did not wish to blackmail her; nevertheless, he was growing almost desperate to receive an answer.

  Her lips thinned, and her nostrils flared as she glared at him. “You’re a despicable person!”

  “You’ve said so before,” Phineas replied evenly. “Care to explain how you’ve come to that conclusion?”

  Scoffing, Louisa shook her head at him as though the reason should be obvious. Then she turned and made to walk away, mumbling something unintelligible under her breath.

  More insults, no doubt.

  Without thought, Phineas reached out to hold her back, his hand once more settling upon her arm. “You can hate me all you like,” he snarled, his gaze now as hard as her own as he looked down upon her, “but you cannot deny that you enjoyed our kiss.”

  Red crept up her cheeks, and yet, her nostrils flared as though she wished to throw herself at him and claw his eyes out.

  Phineas smirked upon seeing her so torn.

  Her teeth gritted together, and again, she made to leave, but stopped when he refused to release her. “Let go!” she hissed quietly.

  Phineas lowered his head another fraction down toward hers. His eyes remained locked on hers, only now he could make out the small golden flecks dancing in her emerald eyes. They shone like little sparks, whispering of the passion that lived in her heart. If only she would express it in a different, more appealing manner. “You stole a kiss,” he whispered, delighting in the way she drew in an unsteady breath, “be assured that I shall return the favor.” He grinned at her, wanting nothing more in this moment than to see her eyes flare once more.

  She was beautiful in her anger, and he hated releasing her when she jerked on her arm, threatening to cause a scene. His hand fell away though, and she huffed out an annoyed breath. Then she turned and strode away, her shoulders tense.